Over my career with Microsoft I have worked with countless companies and individuals to help them better understand how they can use Microsoft 365 technologies to work smarter.

I’ve specialised heavily in helping power users and champion groups to understand and enable citizen developers in their organisation while maintaining compliance and security.

My specialty lies in showing individuals how they can use tools like Power BI and Microsoft Excel to make data-driven decisions - regardless of their background in IT, or data analysis. The reports I’ve worked on below show the scope and scale of my work, reaching users all across the globe who have requested me to help them.

A dashboard showing my personal statistics

As a team of just 11, the DSS Training team in Sydney have been requested all across the globe by some of the worlds largest companies, government organisations, and philanthropic organisations. Our content was adapted to be delivered entirely remotely for markets where remote work is primarily observed, and we travelled internationally multiple times to work directly with companies in person.

A dashboard showing my teams overall performance